Kron Standard Bagpipes with 2 chanters - SOLD
Kron bagpipes come with both a ABW Medalist and a polypenco chanter: both chanters are uncarved. Also comes with an additional poly blow stock due to cracks in the original blowstock. The bass stock is brass lined. Kron went through the bagpipes top to bottom 2 months ago. These pipes are cracking as far as tonality and reliability. Kron reamed the bass closer to the Kron Heritage or Henderson spec to give the bass a bigger sound and they are spot on. This was the beginning of the height of their craftsmenship as far as Atherton's involvement with Kron. The bagpipes are a lighter colored ABW. Shellac is in a terrible state and the mounts have many chips. The mounts are threaded so at some point one could replace those and shellac could be dealt with if one has a lathe.