The tracks featured here are some of the most requested songs and represent just a few of the 100s of tunes I enjoy playing. I can play many tunes on the spot, including:

Flowers of the Forest, The Dark Isle, Highland Laddie, 100 Pipers, Bonnie Dundee, The Blue Bells of Scotland, Mist Covered Mountains, Pipe Major George Allan, Pipe Major Donald Maclean of Lewis, Rowan Tree, The Big Road Brusher, The Smith of Chillichassie, Sheepwife, Loch Duich, Flower of Scotland, we’re no awa to bade awa, Donald Cameron’s Powder Horn, Donald McLennan’s Tuning Phrase, Brown Haired Maiden, John MacEachinn’s Big Tune, Calum and the Princess, Donald Willie and his dog, Chloe’s Passion, Smokin’ in the Kitchen, etc.